When is it safe to start exercising after Ive had my baby?
[New Mums!] Welcome to motherhood! We know that you are itching to get that baby weight off but it’s important to start slowly and follow the recommendations to keep your body safe. There are many factors that will determine when it is safe to return to exercise after having your baby. If you had an uncomplicated vaginal delivery, and are not experiencing any leaking, you can begin slow and gentle walking from 2 weeks post-partum. Start with a 15mins walk around the block, and gradually increase this. If you have had a caesarean delivery, required an episiotomy or are experiencing moderate to heavy urinary incontinence, you may start some light walking when you feel ready. This may be around 2 weeks post delivery or even later. Don’t rush in to it, or feel you should start sooner than you feel ready. Ensure your pram is light and caring just the bare essentials to avoid feeling like you are pushing or exerting yourself. Start with a 5 minute walk and build form there. Avoid any strenuous activity that is going to put pressure on your incision, tummy muscles or makes you feel like you are bearing down. No matter your delivery type or your recovery, it is highly recommended you wait until your 6 week postnatal check with your obstetrician or GP before commencing more strenous exercises (eg Pilates, swimming, gentle weights etc). Pelvic Floor Exercises – Yikes! I have leaking, what do I do? Many women will experience some minor urinary leakage when returning to exercise after giving birth. This is completely normal. It takes time for your muscles to recover, retrain them and improve their strength. Something that all women can do soon after birth... Continue π read the full post here When is it safe to start exercising after Ive had my baby?
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