
Showing posts from August, 2019

Bursitis: What Is Bursitis? And What Is The Treatment?

πŸ’₯ S H O U L D E R . B U R S I T I S πŸ’₯ Following on from our post yesterday, here is a fav strengthening exercise if you're in Phase 3 of your recovery. ✅ Start with your palms facing each other and close to your navel ✅ Raise you elbows to shoulder height ✅ Keep a long neck and shoulders down away from your ears ✅ Ensure it is NOT painful πŸ™…‍♀️ You can start with a smaller range if needed (ie keep your elbows below shoulder height if it is sore to lift them higher) and build up as you strengthen. read the full post here Bursitis: What Is Bursitis? And What Is The Treatment?

Shoulder Bursitis 3 Phases Of Treatment

Do you have S H O U L D E R . B U R S I T I S ? πŸ’₯ 😒 Bursitis, and especially shoulder bursitis is a common condition we see in the practice. Here are the 3 Phases to get your shoulder back to πŸ’― read the full post here Shoulder Bursitis 3 Phases Of Treatment
H U N D R E D S Exercise of the week 🀸‍♀️πŸ‹️‍♀️πŸƒ‍♀️ ✅ good for your pelvic control and core stability ⭐️ a great exercise for strengthening your core, particularly if you have low back pain πŸ‘€ check your position, make sure your hips and knees are at 90 degrees πŸ€“ focus on: πŸ‘‡ exhaling for 5 pulses with palms facing down ☝️ inhaling for 5 pulses with palms facing up ❌ don’t forget to leave a gap between your chin and chest πŸ” repeat up to 10 breath cycles read the full post here
HIP HITCH 🚢🏼‍♀️ (aka hip raise or hip drop) This is a great exercise for your hip and can be really helpful for runners with knee pain! It strengthens the muscles responsible for keeping your hips level when you’re standing on one leg 🦡start with one leg on a step and the other unsupported πŸ‘‡ lower the unsupported leg towards the ground πŸ‘€ check that both legs stay straight throughout ☝️raise the unsupported leg up, hitching your hip up high πŸ€“ This exercise will work the muscles around the hip of your standing leg For information on patellofemoral knee pain check out our blog πŸ‘‡ read the full post here
Self Patella Glides🦡 These mobilisations are used when restriction of the kneecap causes pain or reduced knee movement and function 🦡 Keep your quads (thigh muscles) relaxed πŸ‘ Place your fingers on the outside edge of your patella (kneecap) πŸ‘‰ Push the patella sideways ⏩ Mobilise at a comfortable, rhythmic speed πŸ” Repeat 10 times on each leg πŸ€” You may feel discomfort but intense or sharp pain should be avoided For information on patellofemoral knee pain read our latest blog πŸ‘‡ read the full post here
Straight Leg Raise🦡 Strength exercise to help your knee pain πŸ€“ Strengthening the muscles around your knee is important for muscle balance and helping with control of your kneecap! 🦡 Lie down with your affected leg straight and opposite leg bent ☝️Tighten your quads (thigh muscles) in your straight leg and raise it up ✋ Hold leg up briefly then slowly lower leg πŸ” Repeat 10 times on each leg For information on patellofemoral knee pain read our latest blog πŸ‘‡ read the full post here

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS): Physiotherapy For Your Knee Pain

πŸ’₯ NEW BLOG πŸ’₯ Knee Pain: Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS) This is a common condition involving pain around the front of the knee and kneecap. PFPS can make stairs, kneeling, squatting and running difficult. This blog will include: ❓What is it 🦡 Symptoms of PFPS πŸƒ‍♀️ What can cause PFPS πŸ™‹‍♀️ What you can do Find out more by reading the latest blog πŸ‘‡ read the full post here Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS): Physiotherapy For Your Knee Pain


C L A M S Exercise of the week 🀸‍♀️ πŸ‹️‍♀️ πŸƒ‍♀️ ✅ good for your glute strength, pelvic control and core stability (yep, everything!) πŸ€“ focus on ➖ laying directly on your side, knees in front and feet behind you *they should line up with your bottom) LEVEL1 πŸ‘‰ feet down, keep heels together ❗ open knee but DON'T let your hips rock back πŸ” repeat x 15-20 (depends when you start to feel the burn!), then repeat on the other side! LEVEL 2 ⬆ feet up, knees stay down, keep heels together ❗ open knee but DON'T let your hips rock back πŸ” repeat x 15-20, then repeat on the other side! πŸ’₯ feel the BURN through the back of your hip πŸ’₯ read the full post here Clams
B A L A N C E πŸ‘£ ✅ Great for ALL types of osteoarthritis Because of the nature of OA and how it affects your joints, it can also cause havoc with your proprioceptors. My what ⁉️ Proprioceptors are little receptors in all your joints that are responsible for letting you know where that joint is in space 🌏 🌬 If they are not working properly, it can throw off your balance and make you that little more wobbly (without having the extra wine 😜🍷) Try this balance exercise below! ➖ Bring one foot in front of the other (heel to toe) 🎯 Get your balance πŸ€₯Try tapping your nose with your finger tip If that's easy, try closing your eyes 😎 πŸ‘£ Then try with the other foot in front! Practice this for about 2-3 minutes per day Want to read more about osteoarthritis? Check out our most recent blog πŸ‘‡πŸΌ read the full post here


L O W E R B A C K A R T H R I R I S Did you know ⁉ That if you were to look πŸ‘€ at an X-Ray of lower backs throughout the general population, many would have arthritis but show NO symptoms 😱 Amazing, right πŸ’« General wear and tear is expected as we age, however OA in the spine if it becomes severe (and it doesn't with everyone) can become a problem. Like with the hip and knee, the BEST thing YOU can do is strengthen the muscles that support your back and there are LOTS through the back, pelvis, hips and legs! Try this exercise to target all those muscles! 🦢🏼 feet hip width apart ⬆ peel your spine up, one level at a time (it should be painfree) 🧐 think about pushing through your heels 🀚🏼 hold at the top for 3 seconds ⬇ slowly lower, placing one level of your spine down at a time πŸŒ€ Repeat 2 sets x 10 reps πŸ›‘ Stop if any pain or increase in your symptoms. πŸ™Œ Tomorrow, will be a surprise exercise for all the areas we have spoken about over the last few days (as is good for EVERY...
H I P A R T H R I R I S 🦡🏽 Hip osteoarthritis (OA) can be very painful condition and at its worst can limit the activities that you love doing. It's severity and symptoms vary from each person, but can present as πŸ’₯ Pain and stiffness in and around the hip, buttock or groin 🚦 The affected leg might give way πŸ‹️‍♂️ Pain with squatting, getting up from a chair or out of bed in the morning If you have been diagnosed with Hip OA, one of the BEST things YOU can do is strengthen the muscles that support the hip such as the gluteals (buttock muscles) Try this exercise while standing at a bench (or sink πŸ’‍♀️) πŸ‘‰πŸΌ Face forwards, hands on the bench for support 🀸‍♀️ Lift one leg out to the side while keeping your hips level (try not to hitch your hip), then return it πŸŒ€ Repeat 2sets x 10 reps πŸ›‘ Stop if any pain or increase in your symptoms. πŸ‘€ Tomorrow I will show you an exercise if you are suffering with back OA (more specifically your lower back), so tune in! Want to learn more abou...
K N E E A R T H R I R I S 🦡🏽 Knee osteoarthritis (OA) can be very painful condition and at its worst can limit the activities that you love doing. It's severity and symptoms vary from each person, but can present as πŸ’₯ Pain and stiffness in the knee πŸ”₯ Swollen and inflamed joint πŸ“’ Grinding noises πŸ‹️‍♂️ Pain with kneeling, squatting and getting up from a chair If you have been diagnosed with Knee OA (or even if you have weak knees), one of the BEST things YOU can do is strengthen the muscles that support the knee, such as the quadriceps (thigh muscles) Try this exercise while sitting in a chair πŸ’Ί 🦢🏼 flex your toes towards your nose ➖ straighten your knee 🀚🏼 hold it for 5 seconds then lower πŸŒ€ Repeat 2sets x 10 reps πŸ›‘ Stop if any pain or increase in your symptoms. πŸ‘€ Tomorrow I will show you an exercise if you are suffering with Hip OA, so tune in! Want to learn more about OA? Check out our latest blog πŸŽ‰πŸ‘‡πŸΌ read the full post here

⚠️ NEW BLOG πŸ’₯ O S T E O A R T H R I T I S ❓What is it? 🦡 Will you need a joint replacement? πŸ’‍♀️ What can you do to prolong your joints? Find out by checking out our latest blog πŸ‘‡ read the full post here

Lumbar Rotations

R O T A T I O N S Exercise of the week 🀸‍♀️ πŸ‹️‍♀️ πŸƒ‍♀️ ✅ feels goooood on the lower back πŸ€“ focus on πŸ‘‰ keeping the opposite shoulder down on the floor 🦢🦡 keep your feet and knees together πŸ›‘ don't push into any pain, this should be a NICE stretch πŸ’₯ repeat 5 x to each side ❤ Loved level 1? Try Level 2 - with all the same pointers as I have mentioned above! read the full post here Lumbar Rotations
SCIATIC NERVE FLOSSING (Maybe not flossing as you know it! πŸ¦·πŸ’ƒ) Nerve flossing for piriformis syndrome is done to stretch and release the sciatic nerve when it has become irritated or compressed Start by lying on your back Loop a band (belt or towel) around the ball of your foot 🦢 Lift leg up keeping your knee straight 🦡 Keep your opposite leg resting on the ground Use the band to pull your toes towards you and increase resistance Point your toes away from you to complete Repeat foot movement 10x πŸ”„ πŸ€“ To further increase the resistance: Lift your chin to your chest as you pull your toes towards you For information on Piriformis Syndrome, have a read of our latest blog πŸ‘‡ read the full post here
🐚 Clam strengthening exercise 🐚 Strengthening the glutes and piriformis is important when treating piriformis syndrome. The clam exercise helps strengthen your hip rotators πŸ’ͺ🦡 Level 1️⃣ Start by lying on your side with your knees bent Keeping your heels together, raise your top knee (like a clam shell opening) ✅ The movement should involve rotating just your hip ❌ Don’t raise your leg too high, as this will cause your lower back and pelvis to rotate ⏩ Progression ⏩ Level 2️⃣ As above but keeping your knees on the ground, raise both feet off the ground For more on my Piriformis Syndrome read our latest blog πŸ‘‡ read the full post here
Glutes/Piriformis Stretch πŸ‘πŸ¦΅ There are lots of different ways to stretch a tight piriformis muscle. A more intense stretch can be applied lying on your back in the following position. Cross your right leg over to rest your ankle on your left knee Slowly lift your left leg up towards you Hold your left leg to feel a gentle stretch in your right buttock πŸ‘ For a deeper stretch, push gently on your right knee ✋ Hold this position for 30 seconds πŸ” Repeat on the other side For more info on some of the implications of a tight piriformis, have a read of our blog on piriformis syndrome πŸ‘‡ read the full post here

πŸ’₯ NEW BLOG πŸ’₯ Hamstring pain or pain in the πŸ‘ that isn't getting any better? There are several things that can contribute to pain in your hamstrings, one of these is Piriformis Syndrome This blog post will cover: 🀷‍♀️ what is a piriformis sydrome, causes and symptoms πŸ’†‍♀️ piriformis syndrome treatment πŸ™‹‍♀️ a few simple things you can do to help with your pain read the full post here

Women, Wine & Wellness Seminar

LADIES ❤️ Come and join us for a night of Women πŸ™‹‍♀️ Wine 🍷 and Wellness πŸ™Œ πŸ’₯ Learn about your Pelvic Floor and the effect of stress 🀯 on your adrenal system Drinks & nibbles provided πŸ·πŸ§€πŸ₯¨ πŸ’‍♀️Best part? It is FREE! Just register using the link below: read the full post here Women, Wine & Wellness Seminar

Abdominal Separation

Why You SHOULDN'T Do Ab-Work When You Have Abdominal Separation Do you have abdominal separation post-partum? Do you want to tighten and strengthen your tummy? Are you doing ab-workouts like sit-ups and planks? STOP πŸ™…‍♀️ Those types of workouts can prevent your abdominal spearation from improving. Watch to find out why. Read more here πŸ‘‡ read the full post here Abdominal Separation

Swimming for abdominal separation

S W I M M I N G for A B D O M I N A L . S E P A R A T I O N 🏊‍♀️😝 (not that swimming) Swimming is a great exercise to help reduce abdominal separation post-partum. πŸ”‘ The key is to draw your lower tummy gently in while you're doing the exercise. This ensures you are using your core to keep your spine still. Try x10 each side. More info on abdominal separation here πŸ‘‡ read the full post here Swimming for abdominal separation