
L O W E R B A C K A R T H R I R I S Did you know ⁉ That if you were to look πŸ‘€ at an X-Ray of lower backs throughout the general population, many would have arthritis but show NO symptoms 😱 Amazing, right πŸ’« General wear and tear is expected as we age, however OA in the spine if it becomes severe (and it doesn't with everyone) can become a problem. Like with the hip and knee, the BEST thing YOU can do is strengthen the muscles that support your back and there are LOTS through the back, pelvis, hips and legs! Try this exercise to target all those muscles! 🦢🏼 feet hip width apart ⬆ peel your spine up, one level at a time (it should be painfree) 🧐 think about pushing through your heels 🀚🏼 hold at the top for 3 seconds ⬇ slowly lower, placing one level of your spine down at a time πŸŒ€ Repeat 2 sets x 10 reps πŸ›‘ Stop if any pain or increase in your symptoms. πŸ™Œ Tomorrow, will be a surprise exercise for all the areas we have spoken about over the last few days (as is good for EVERYONE - not just OA!) Want to learn more about OA? Check out our latest blog πŸŽ‰πŸ‘‡πŸΌ read the full post here Bridging


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