How Can Physio Help Me During Pregnancy

✨ Pregnant? 🀰✨ Aches and Pains? πŸ™‹‍♀️ You're not alone! Tune in over the next 4 days for 4 things you can do to help your aches and pains at home! πŸ™…‍♀️ Wednesday - Carpal Tunnel πŸ™…‍♀️ Thursday - Round Ligament Pain πŸ™…‍♀️ Friday - Upper Back Pain πŸ™…‍♀️ Saturday - Rib Pain (front/side - you know the one!)😩 Here's some more in-depth info on how hands on physio treatment can help you manage your pain so your pregnancy is an enjoyable experience πŸ’• read the full post here How Can Physio Help Me During Pregnancy


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